I have recently noticed something on a couple of my friends. When ever we hang out. They are always talking about all the things they need to do or how they’ve got to ride this wave just a little longer and the benefit is worth the reward…10 fold or whatever. So they are grinding themselves to the grave.
One of my friends is running all around town because he has this side project he is working on. Also he is a dancer and never rolls out?!?! So that further tells me, his stretching is shit. He’s always tight and asking me a zillion questions on what he should do and how …and it’s the same answers all the time! He just never applies it. He eats like shit with tons of sodium and MSG, which further adds to the problem. Recently, I actually told him “GOOD!” When he told me of all his aches and pains.
A girlfriend of mine has amazing work ethic. I love her passion when she talks about her craft and sometimes I can’t even keep up. But her industry is pretty cut throat and commission based. So she works her ass off and is one of the top leaders in her industry. Every time she tells me of a new break through, she also has a new injury or ailment.
Your bodies are screaming out to me. The pillars that hold you up…we’ll call them energy pillars, some are over flowing and some are empty. Is it really worth it? You don’t look like you’re doing to good. I know for sure your bodies aren’t performing at an optimal level. They are tired, overworked and weak. Stress is a mutha fuka. Add poor nutrition and lack of exercise. How long are you going to keep this up for? When your body is crying to me, I really don’t know what to tell it anymore. So maybe you should talk to it??