So you go to the gym and say you’re going to work out…when really you hopped on whatever cardio machine was available. Then on top of that you had to “check- in” and take a selfie…proving to people you “worked-out.”
Note: Show people by looking ripped and taking your workouts seriously. This is not social networking hour, it’s time to put in work.
You did some half ass cardio, so half-ass you had enough energy to smile, take a pic and check-in. I don’t know how many times I hear “yea I went to the gym and I worked out” my follow up questions will always be..”oh what did you do?”
“well” replying confidently and proud “I did the elipticle for 30minutes.”
Look if you were sitting on your ass then all of a sudden decided to get active and you feel great…awesome. If you’re happy with your results… terrific.
Workout: noun
1. a trial or practice session in athletics, as in running, boxing, or football, etc.
2. a structured regime of physical exercise: She goes to the gym for a workout twice a week.
There’s going to be a time when you are going to want to see real results. Getting healthy, proper nutrition, strength & conditioning training in correlation with staying active. NO check-ins needed.
This is real life